According to the Master Plan f or Delhi-2021, National Capita l Territory of Delhi has been divided into 15 planning zones . Out of these, 8 zones (A-H) cover existing Urban areas. Zo ne 'O' covers river Yamuna and the remaining 6 zones (J-P) a re part of future Urban develo pment.Due to shortage of space in De lhi, the Govt has decided to d evelop zone 'L' which would be the largest of the 15 Zones o f Delhi into a smart city. The Zone 'L' is currently rural i n nature and comprises of 58 v illages.Zone 'L' would be a very promi sing investment destination as everything is being planned b y the Govt under the master pl an of 2021 (We all know how Dw arka came up in such a short s pan of time and the phenomenal returns the property has show n there).Some first time developers, so cieties have already consolida ted land in Zone 'L' and have started selling their projects /taking memberships. However, in lay-man term one should wa it as there are some further a pprovals which are awaited for development to start in this area (since there is no govern ment in Delhi for the last 1yr ).The current prices offered by societies or developers in 'L' zone range from Rs3400/sq ft- Rs4200/sq ft..
As per the MASTER PLAN DELHI 2021 and the new land pooling policy of DDA, 5 new smart sub-cities are planned in Delhi in Zone K-1, Zone L, Zone P-2, Zone N, and Zone J.
Out of these 5 zones, Zone L is getting particular interest from investors and developers because of its location advantages. Zone L is between Dwarka, Gurgaon and International Airport.
Although, the prices quoted in L-Zone for an under construction property are quite reasonable, there is still some potential risk. The whole area will take some time to get developed. You should not invest in this area if you are looking from an end user perspective. And from an investor perspective, if you have some spare money, you should invest only from a long term horizon of 8-10 years.
Out of these 5 zones, Zone L is getting particular interest from investors and developers because of its location advantages. Zone L is between Dwarka, Gurgaon and International Airport.
Although, the prices quoted in L-Zone for an under construction property are quite reasonable, there is still some potential risk. The whole area will take some time to get developed. You should not invest in this area if you are looking from an end user perspective. And from an investor perspective, if you have some spare money, you should invest only from a long term horizon of 8-10 years.
Contact no 7836991440/9650362345
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